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    How much does Open Rhinoplasty Cost?

    How much does Open Rhinoplasty Cost?

    How much does Open Rhinoplasty Cost?  | Burbank | Pasadena | GlendaleOpen and closed rhinoplasty are the two major techniques to perform nose reshaping cosmetic surgery. Open rhinoplasty is the preferred technique where significant changes to the nose are involved.

    The cost of open rhinoplasty is one of the important aspects a patient will look at because the procedure is often elective and is not covered by medical insurance.

    The surgeon will discuss various aspects of open rhinoplasty, including its costs, during the initial consultation. The first goal of the surgeon will be to educate the patient and help them make a well-considered decision about open rhinoplasty. Fantastic facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian provides this procedure to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills CA, and other cities and neighborhoods in this area of The Golden State.


    Factors Affecting the Price

    The dollar amount of open rhinoplasty can vary between two practices, and even between two patients at the same practice. Some of the major factors that will influence the overall price tag of the nose cosmetic surgery include:


    Location of the Practice

    A practice located in a main metropolitan area or a prime urban center is likely to have higher costs because of expensive real estate and other overheads. On the other hand, a practice operating in a small town in an interior region may be able to offer slightly lower costs. This will apply to the average costs of most of the products and services offered in a region, including cosmetic services.


    Fee of the Plastic Surgeon

    The fee charged by the surgeon is an important cost component in a procedure such as open rhinoplasty. Patients should ideally select a surgeon with focused expertise and training in the area of facial procedures and head and neck surgery. Open rhinoplasty requires advanced surgical skills to achieve the desired corrections in aesthetic shape and function of the nose. A skilled surgeon will be able to produce aesthetically and functionally superior outcomes with minimal scarring.  


    Surgical Facility and Anesthesia Costs

    The surgeon will usually have an option to perform the rhinoplasty procedure at a hospital, an accredited surgical center or a private surgical suite. They will explain the costs and benefits associated with each option to the patient and help them make a judicious choice. If general anesthesia is involved in open rhinoplasty, it will require the services of an anesthesiologist or a nurse anesthetist who may charge a fee according to their skills and experience.


    Length and Complexity of the Surgery

    In some cases, open rhinoplasty may involve complex procedures such as cartilage or bone grafting, nose implants, functional corrections, or nose reconstruction. On the other hand, some patients may only require minor aesthetic improvements such as removing a nose bump or refining the nasal tip. The sticker price can vary according to the length and complexity of the procedure.



    In exceptional cases, open rhinoplasty may be fully or partially covered by insurance, if the procedure involves correction of breathing issues through the nostrils. Salient and dedicated facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills CA, and other cities and communities in this part of the southwest for open rhinoplasty.

    For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

    Open Rhinoplasty Before and After Photos

    Open Rhinoplasty Before and After Photos  | Burbank | PasadenaOpen rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery technique to enhance the shape and size of the nose by making a discreet external incision in the columella. At the time of pre-operative consultation, the surgeon will explain both open and closed rhinoplasty techniques to the patient and determine their candidacy for the appropriate technique.

    Many surgeons prefer to show open rhinoplasty before and after photographs during the initial consultation. This helps the patient understand the potential effectiveness of the procedure in a better way.

    Stellar and dependable facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian provides open rhinoplasty to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills CA, and surrounding communities across the horizon.


    What are Open Rhinoplasty Before and After Pictures?

    Before and after pictures in case of open rhinoplasty cosmetic surgery refer to a set of images pertaining to a previous patient who has undergone the same surgery with successful results. The set includes pictures taken prior to the surgery and after the surgery at a time when the post-surgical bruising and swelling has subsided and new contours of the nose have firmed up.

    The surgeon will take care to ensure that the photographs are acquired only with the full consent of the patient and shown to new patients in an appropriate manner. The patient’s identity may be kept undisclosed as per the established norm. The surgeon’s only purpose behind this exercise is to use these photos as a visual aid to educate new patients about open rhinoplasty and its potential benefits.



    Open rhinoplasty is a major cosmetic procedure concerning the face. A patient will naturally have some apprehension about how this procedure may affect their facial proportion and balance, and whether their facial integrity and identity will remain unchanged. Some patients may only want limited nasal enhancement, while some others may require very significant changes.

    In some cases, open rhinoplasty may have to be performed in conjunction with chin augmentation or another facial procedure. In each case, the patient will be in a better position to make the right decisions when they have access to open rhinoplasty before and after photos.


    Keeping Reasonable Expectations

    Patients who are able to maintain realistic expectations about a cosmetic procedure such as open nose surgery will typically achieve better satisfaction levels in the end, and will be in a position to appreciate their enhanced shape of the nose. Therefore, experienced surgeons prefer to present open rhinoplasty before and after photos at the very first appointment.

    This simple effort also mitigates the risk of any disappointment occurring for the patient at a late stage when it may not be possible to reverse the changes to the nose. Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills CA, and nearby areas for open rhinoplasty.


    Online Photographs

    The surgeon may choose to provide open rhinoplasty before and after photos in a dedicated Photo Gallery section on their practice website which Dr. Yavrouian does with acumen. This will give access to the photos to anyone who may like to learn more about the procedure.

    The real story here is digital technology which so many industries have accepted into their portfolios of business. The plastic surgery community is certainly in this long line of industries which has adopted this type of technology much to their patient’s delight. Now patients of all walks and life can see what to expect in certain types of surgeries and rhinoplasty is certainly one of them.

    They say a pictures equals a thousand words but a digital picture must equal three thousand words then right? It is only rational to say that when you compare an old fashion picture with a digital picture. On top of this, a patient can check out these pictures without anyone else knowing and we all know how vital privacy is despite so many people spilling their lives onto social media outlets every day.

    Now when a patient agrees to rhinoplasty surgery they are less anxious since they applied what they saw on the screen to their own body. This is a blessing for the surgeon, patient, and everyone else.

    For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

    How long does open rhinoplasty recovery take?


    Open rhinoplasty is a major nose reshaping cosmetic surgery technique that is often recommended for patients who seek aesthetic or functional corrections of the nose. The procedure will usually involve a significant recovery process, but the actual recovery period can vary from one patient to another. Patients should be committed to following the surgeon’s recovery instructions for best results.

    At the time of pre-op consultation, the surgeon will discuss various aspects of open rhinoplasty, including the estimated recovery time.

    The patient should feel free to ask questions and make a decision only after they are fully satisfied with the procedure plan. Majestic and committed facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian provides open rhinoplasty to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and other suburbs and towns in this part of California.


    Initial Period of Recovery

    In the first few days following open rhinoplasty, most patients will experience mild discomfort in the treated area. Occasional dull headaches may occur in the beginning. Unless the patient gets an infection, severe pain will not occur after this cosmetic surgery. Nasal congestion may take place due to internal swelling in the first few days. The surgeon may prescribe some pain medications to keep the patient comfortable in the first week.

    The nasal congestion will resolve over a few weeks as the swelling subsides. Patients who suffered from breathing difficulties through the nostrils prior to the surgery are likely to receive quick relief despite the swelling. Some patients may complain of sleep disturbance due to nasal congestion, which can be addressed sleep aid medications prescribed by the surgeon.

    The patient will be required to refrain from blowing the nose in the first few days after open rhinoplasty. Experienced and sagacious facial surgeons can delicately handle the nasal tissue to minimize the trauma, and reduce the recovery time.


    Returning to Work

    Most patients can resume their regular routine or return to their workplace in about one week to 10 days after open nose surgery. During the first week, a cast may be in place on the nose, which may be removed along with sutures and drainage tubes after a week. Mild bruising and swelling may continue in the second week, but the patient can apply makeup to tone down its appearance.


    How to Reduce Recovery Time?

    The patient should minimize infection risks by keeping the incision areas as contamination-free as possible. The surgeon may also prescribe a course of antibiotics for a few days. The patient should strictly avoid smoking during the recovery period. Nicotine in cigarette smoke can reduce the oxygen flow in the blood, and lead to slow healing.

    The surgeon will advise the patient to avoid strenuous activities and lifting of heavy weights for three to four weeks. The incision sites should have minimal strain until the healing is better. However, short walks and light activities at home are encouraged from the second day of the surgery to promote blood flow and expedite healing.

    Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and other towns and communities in this geographical area of SoCal for open rhinoplasty.

    For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.
