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Eyelid Lift Plastic Surgery Before And After Photos

Eyelid Lift Plastic Surgery Before And After Photos

Eyelid Lift Plastic Surgery Before And After Photos | GlendaleEyelid lift cosmetic surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, corrects the appearance of droopy, tired looking eyes. At the time of the initial consultation, the surgeon will evaluate the state of the patient’s upper and lower eyelids and recommend and appropriate blepharoplasty technique.

Board certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian provides eyelid lift surgery to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and surrounding communities.


What are Eyelid Lift Before and After Photos?

Blepharoplasty ‘before and after’ pictures refer to a pair or group of photos of previous patients who have undergone eyelid lift plastic surgery with desirable outcomes.

These images are taken before the procedure and after the surgery at a time when the post-operative inflammation and bruising have resolved, and the complete outcomes of the procedure are apparent.

The surgeon will attain these images with the express consent of the patient and show them to new patients in a discreet and responsible way. Additionally, the surgeon will not disclose the patient’s identity as per standard norms.

The only reason that the surgeon will show these pictures to new patients is to help them develop a clear comprehension of blepharoplasty results.



The face is the most noticeable body area. Therefore, patients are understandably anxious regarding any procedure that affects the face. The surgeon can offer a new patient reassurance on whether eyelid lift surgery is appropriate for them by displaying eyelid lift ‘before and after’ pictures.

Certain patients may need only limited correction with a blepharoplasty procedure while others may need more extensive treatment involving both the upper and lower eyelids. Regardless of the case, the patient can make a more judicious choice upon viewing eyelid lift before and after images.


Combining Photos with Text

Prospective patients may benefit if descriptive text detailing the cosmetic surgery, the reasons for which it was performed, and how it corrected the patient’s specific problems accompanies eyelid lift before and after pictures.

The surgeon can present a previous patient’s blepharoplasty journey with simple, concise, and succinct descriptions. These can be an important element of before and after image galleries. In general, patients tend to connect better with images while descriptions help them remember the associated details more precisely.


Sharing Images

Surgeons may share blepharoplasty before and after pictures to offer prospective patients information as well as educate them on the benefits of this procedure. They may share these images online in the following ways:

  • Photo galleries on the website: Creating a comprehensive before and after gallery on the practice website which has been done but Dr. Yavrouian has not included eyelid lift plastic surgery pictures on the website as of now. This does not mean that you cannot see these images during the consultation which is pivotal anyway.
  • Portfolio: Developing a photo portfolio to display to new patients seeking the same procedure.
  • Blog post: Supplementing a blog post with pictures is an excellent way to provide prospective patients with visual documentation of procedure outcomes.
  • Social media channels: The use of pictures is a powerful way to optimize social media posts. However, it is important to exercise discretion while posting on public platforms.

A detailed before and after photo gallery can inform patients and act as an educational tool for the plastic surgeon and their practice. It is an avenue to showcase their expertise and skills while simultaneously educating new patients on innovative procedures such as eyelid lift surgery.


100% Transparency

This can be done during the consultation as already stated. This illustrates how transparent Dr. Yavrouian is about his practice and based on this brilliant website with so many other images he has nothing to hide and is proud of his work.

Not only this, countless previous patients have been more than satisfied with the results of their surgeries and treatments with him.

Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and nearby areas for eyelid lift surgery.
For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

Types of Nasal Nose Surgery

Types of Nasal Nose Surgery | Glendale | Pasadena | BurbankThe most common type of nasal procedures includes turbinate reduction and correcting a deviated septum (septoplasty).

At times, the correction of external nasal deformities (rhino-septoplasty) or sinus surgery will be required, and it may be undertaken in combination with a surgeon from rhinology or facial cosmetic surgery team.

Nose surgery by itself rarely effectively treats obstructive sleep apnea, but it typically enhances sleep quality and CPAP adherence and compliance.

Board certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian provides nose reshaping surgery to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and surrounding locations.



Cosmetic nose reshaping is called rhinoplasty as well. The procedure can increase or reduce the nose size, narrow the span of the nostrils, alter the angle between the upper lip and nose, and/or change the nasal bridge or tip. It can also address certain breathing issues.

Nose reshaping involves remodeling of the cartilage and bone. The surgeon can work from either inside the nose by placing an incision within the nose or work from the outside by placing tiny incisions across the tissue that divides the nostrils. The latter is called an “open” procedure.


Turbinate Reduction

Turbinates refer to small structures within the nose that cleanse and provide moisture to the air that enters through the nostrils into the lungs. They comprise a bony structure surrounded by vascular tissue as well as a mucous membrane outside.

Turbinates can become inflamed or swollen by irritation, allergies, or infection. This may lead to nasal obstruction and create an excessive amount of mucous causing congestion.

Radiofrequency turbinate reduction is a procedure which involves a needle-like device. This instrument is inserted into the turbinate and energy is delivered to the tissue to cause controlled damage.

Therefore, by the time the healing process commences, the turbinates will be reduced in size which enables improved airflow through the nose.



Septoplasty involves the surgical correction of deformities and defects of the nasal septum or the partition between the nostrils.

The septum is a nasal structure that is made up of cartilage and bone in the central position of the nose that bifurcates the nasal cavity. Septal deviation can obstruct one side of the nose and cause significant disturbances in airflow.

Septoplasty aims to straighten the septum as much as possible in the midline position and free the airway by eliminating the deviated part and restructuring the remaining cartilage and bone.

Some examples of septoplasty are as follows:

A deviated septum refers to a condition in which the partition between the nostrils is not aligned vertically in a straight manner. This condition can cause impediments in airflow. A septal deviation can occur due to an injury or birth defect.


Correction of Cleft Defects that affect the Nose and Nasal Cavity


When the deviated septum presents a more complex condition, or there is an associated defect on the nasal valve or nasal external portion, the patient may require a rhino-septoplasty to accomplish proper nasal breathing.

In case the deviated septum is present in the more external portion of the septum, the surgeon will often use a piece of rib bone cartilage to stabilize the nose tip and preserve the external nose shape.

Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and nearby areas for nose reshaping surgery.
For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

Questions Answered After Rhinoplasty Surgery

Questions Answered After Rhinoplasty Surgery | Glendale | PasadenaPatients will usually have a number of questions and concerns when they plan to undergo a nose reshaping cosmetic surgery. A dedicated surgeon will address the patient’s questions accurately and in detail.

Board certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian provides nose reshaping surgery to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and surrounding communities.

Will I retain my sense of smell after rhinoplasty surgery?

The sense of smell will temporarily diminish after the rhinoplasty procedure due to post-operative inflammation of the internal nasal tissues. However, after a few weeks, as the inflammation resolves, the sense of smell will return to normal.

Will I retain my sense of taste after nose surgery?

The sense of smell and taste are deeply linked. Therefore, the patient’s ability to taste may also change temporarily during their recovery from nose reshaping cosmetic surgery. The sense of taste will return to normal as the inflammation subsides.

Which day after nose surgery is the worst?

A majority of patients do not experience a particularly painful recovery after rhinoplasty. Inflammation and discomfort tend to be highest by day two or three, especially if they have packing in place.

But the recovery is typically uphill from this point. If the packing is present, it is usually removed by the second or third day.

How old do you have to receive rhinoplasty?

The candidate should be at least mid to late teens prior to undergoing rhinoplasty surgery. Physical maturity of nasal tissues and the emotional maturity of the patient are both vital for this procedure.

How should I sleep after rhinoplasty?
Following nose surgery, the patient should sleep on their back with their head raised on two pillows for a minimum of one week to reduce inflammation.

The doctor may require some patients to continue sleeping on their backs for a bit longer to avoid damaging the nasal tissues. The patient will be given individualized guidelines depending on their particular circumstances.

How will nose surgery change my face?

Rhinoplasty enhances the nose and helps make it proportional to other facial features. Prior to the procedure, the patient may have been obsessed with their nose whenever they looked in the mirror.

But after the procedure, the patient will notice that their other facial characteristics are in harmony with the nose. Therefore, the nose appears more aesthetically appealing and balanced with their other facial features.

Will rhinoplasty impact my singing voice?

It is quite unlikely that nose reshaping surgery will impact the singing voice of the patient. However, there is a small probability of a minor change.

For example, if the anatomy of the nose is changed, specifically if a deviated septum is straightened, it may cause the patient to lose a bit of the nasal quality of their voice.

Will rhinoplasty treat my deviated septum?

A technique, known as septoplasty, undertaken simultaneously as rhinoplasty can straighten a deviated septum. This procedure is often performed in combination with rhinoplasty to address both the cosmetic as well as functional problems of the nose.

This combined procedure is called septorhinoplasty. In case the patient does not require correction of any aesthetic features of the nose but seeks treatment for a deviated septum to address nasal blockage, they may undergo only septoplasty.

Will rhinoplasty enable me to breathe better?

In combination with septoplasty, rhinoplasty can enable the patient to breathe better through their nose. This surgery can straighten a deviated septum to improve the nasal airways. In case the patient has a breathing issue, their insurer may provide coverage for their septorhinoplasty procedure.

Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and nearby areas for nose reshaping surgery.
For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

How can you make nose reshaping surgery (rhinoplasty) heal faster?

How can you make nose reshaping surgery heal faster? | Glendale More than 200,000 Americans undergo rhinoplasty cosmetic surgery annually for medical and aesthetic benefits such as better breathing, sound sleep, and an enhanced facial appearance.

Following the procedure, patients can expect some inflammation and bruising, and they will need to budget two to three weeks for recovery. It is important not to rush things during the recovery phase. But patients can take a few important steps for a quicker recovery.

Board certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian provides nose reshaping surgery to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and surrounding locations.


Avoid Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

The patient should discuss pain management with their surgeon and take only the recommended medicines. While it may seem like a good idea to take anti-inflammatory drugs, these medications dilate blood vessels. This, in turn, can increase inflammation and bleeding, which can prolong the healing time.


Use Frozen Peas to Mitigate Inflammation

During the initial three days following the procedure, it is vital to apply a bag of frozen peas to the eyes and cheek region. This is the area where most of the inflammation and bruising develops. The frozen peas will help the blood vessels shrink which will reduce the inflammation.


Go for a Walk

It is essential to avoid aggressive exercise after nose reshaping cosmetic surgery. However, patients should perform gentle walks as soon as they can. Walking enhances the blood circulation and helps the fluids to keep moving through the body to support a quick recovery. Just make sure you don’t start running with your dog or chasing your child for fun, for instance, – that would be unwise at this stage.


Take it Easy for the Initial Seven to Ten Days

Patients who are always on the go and have a hectic schedule must mentally prepare to take it easy for the initial seven to ten days after nose reshaping surgery. Activities such as playing sports or performing vigorous exercise create extra strain on the body and increase the risk of bumping the nose, both of these aspects can delay the recovery.


Follow a Balanced Diet

Recovery time from surgery and the nutrition status of a patient are interrelated. For instance, low zinc consumption can delay recovery. Consuming foods containing an array of vital nutrients support faster recovery.


Follow Post-Op Guidelines

The surgeon will offer detailed post-op guidelines. The patient should follow these instructions to the letter! Not following post-operative guidelines increases the risk of complications, which can increase the recovery period.


Take the Recommended Time off Work

Some patients believe that they will not require the recommended two weeks off work to heal. But it is important not to underestimate the time that they will need to recover. The patient should, at the very least, plan to take ten days off from their workplace to recover from the procedure.


Avoid Spicy Foods

The initial three weeks are the most important for nose reshaping surgery recovery. Any irritation in the nasal passages or nose may cause complications. Therefore, it is important to avoid spicy foods during this time.


Attend all scheduled Post-op Appointments

The follow-up appointments enable the surgeon to assess the recovery. Even if the patient is feeling good and experiencing a quick recovery, they should not skip their scheduled post-op appointments.


Limit Salt Intake

Salt causes an increase in fluid retention. This can aggravate inflammation during recovery. The patient can help minimize inflammation by following a low-sodium diet for the initial two weeks after their surgery. They should consume nutritious vegetables, fruits, lean protein, and high-fiber foods as these foods are naturally low in sodium.

Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and nearby areas for nose reshaping surgery.
For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

How much does eyelid lift plastic surgery cost?

How much does eyelid lift plastic surgery cost? | Glendale | PasadenaEyelid lift plastic surgery, medically known as blepharoplasty, is typically performed as a cosmetic surgery procedure to rejuvenate the appearance of tired, droopy eyes.

The patient will likely not receive insurance coverage for this elective procedure. For this reason, the cost is an important starting point for most patients seeking eyelid lift surgery.

At the time of the pre-op consultation, the surgeon will explain various aspects of blepharoplasty to the patient as well as apprise them on the estimated costs of the procedure.

Board certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian provides eyelid surgery to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and surrounding locations.


Factors Affecting the Cost

Upper and lower eyelid lift plastic surgery costs may differ between practices. The geographical location of a practice affects the costs of the surgery.

In comparison to smaller towns in the interiors, the cost of cosmetic procedures such as blepharoplasty will usually be higher in prime urban centers and busy metropolitan cities.

Factors such as the quality standards of the treatment, customized care and attention, the use of innovative technologies, and the experience and credentials of the staff affect the overall costs of eyelid lift cosmetic surgery.

Another factor that affects the overall cost of the procedure is the choice of surgical facilities such as a private surgical suite, a hospital, or an ambulatory surgical center.

The surgeon’s fee can differ depending on their expertise, credentials, and reputation in the area of facial cosmetic surgery. If the services of an anesthesiologist or a nurse anesthetist are involved, it can impact the overall costs as well.

Some patients may require upper or lower blepharoplasty while others may need both procedures. At times, the eyelid lift may be undertaken with other surgical or non-surgical procedures such as brow lift, fat transfer, Botox, or dermal fillers.

In each case, the costs will vary, and the patient may be able to get a special rate or discount if they choose to receive a combination of procedures.



Eyelid lift plastic surgery is generally considered elective surgery. But a notable exception is when the patient experiences ptosis. Ptosis causes heavy droopiness in the lids which may lead to vision impediments. Patients with this condition may be eligible to receive partial or full insurance coverage.

Patients should discuss with their insurer in advance if they suffer from ptosis. The surgeon’s team may be able to offer the patient assistance and information on the insurance documentation and formalities.



The practice may accept payment for eyelid lift surgery through major credit cards. In addition, the patient can choose from multiple financing options such as loans from friends and family, bank loans, or financing from medical care financing firms that provide loans exclusively for medical purposes.

These companies usually offer more competitive rates of interest, faster loan approvals, and easy monthly installments of up to 60 months.

Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and nearby areas for blepharoplasty.

For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

Eyelid Lift Plastic Surgery

Eyelid Lift Plastic Surgery | Glendale | Pasadena | Los AngelesEyelid lift cosmetic surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, improves the appearance of sagging, tired-looking eyes. At the time of the pre-operative consultation, the surgeon will assess the condition of the patient’s upper and lower lids and recommend a suitable eyelid lift technique.

Board certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian provides eyelid surgery to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and surrounding communities.

Upper Eyelid Lift

This procedure helps treat the wrinkles, droopiness, and puffiness in the upper lids. Aging upper lids usually cause partial vision obstruction. Upper blepharoplasty can help correct this condition. In this procedure, the surgeon places tiny incisions across the lid crease.

Depending on the needs of the patient, they may also tighten the muscle through these incisions and remove excess skin to create a rejuvenated, youthful eye appearance. The surgeon may also redistribute excess fat to attain natural-looking outcomes.

Lower Eyelid Lift

The muscles in the under eye area tend to sag as a person ages. This causes the fat to protrude creating the appearance of under eye bags.

This condition may cause the face to appear weary or tired. In addition, the misplaced fat may create dark circles or shadows beneath the eyes. The tear troughs may also descend lower towards the cheeks.

Lower blepharoplasty can help treat these conditions. In this procedure, the surgeon creates tiny incisions to remove excess sagging skin, redistribute the fat more uniformly, and offer a smoother and more defined look from the lower lash line to the cheeks.

This surgery helps patients attain a more balanced and aesthetically appealing upper face appearance.

Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty

In case the patient has less prominent under eye bags, the surgeon may recommend the transconjunctival blepharoplasty technique. This cosmetic surgery procedure involves removing excess fatty pockets from the lower lids without skin excision.

The surgeon can perform this by placing multiple small incisions with the lower lid. This procedure is less invasive and does not lead to any external scarring.

Combination Blepharoplasty

Certain patients may need correction in the upper and lower eyelids simultaneously. The surgeon may recommend a combination eyelid lift surgery for such patients. In this procedure, both the upper and lower eye sections are treated to create more proportionate, natural-looking outcomes.

The surgeon will place microscopic incisions within the eyelid lines or eye creases to excise loose skin, move fat pockets, and re-contour the eye muscles. At times, a combination blepharoplasty may be undertaken along with a brow lift to address drooping skin above the eyes.


The results of blepharoplasty will vary between two patients. However, most patients will be satisfied with the enhancement in the appearance of their eyes and upper face area.

A majority of patients seek to accomplish a more youthful and alert eye appearance, while a few patients experience relief upon the restoration of their full vision (which had previously been obscured due to droopy upper eyelids).


The surgeon will provide the patient will detailed post-operative care instructions.

For best results, the patient should take adequate rest, keep their head in an elevated position, use cold compresses to mitigate swelling and bruising and apply an ointment prescribed by the surgeon to reduce irritation. Most patients can return to work within a week.

Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and nearby areas for blepharoplasty.
For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty – Ethnic Rhinoplasty

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty - Ethnic Rhinoplasty | Glendale | Los AngelesSome facial characteristics are specific to a particular ethnicity. Each member of a specific race does not share these features. But, at times, people who do have these ethnic features choose to undergo cosmetic surgery to modify these attributes.

Rhinoplasty surgery is sought-after by patients whose ethnic characteristics include a broad nose. In general, individuals from Asian and African ethnicities consider nose surgery to reduce the flared or wide appearance of their nostrils.

Board certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian provides ethnic nose reshaping surgery to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and surrounding communities.


The Big Picture

When it comes to the unique anatomical and cosmetic needs of ethnic noses, it is crucial that the surgeon adopts a customized surgical approach. They should not change the appearance of the nose to a degree where it completely changes the patient’s identity.


Enhancing the Appearance of the Nose in Ethnic Patients

Ethnic rhinoplasty involves modifying the nose to develop a nose shape that is more proportionate and harmonious with other facial characteristics of the patient without changing their appearance in a drastic way.

Nose reshaping surgery on African American, Asian, and Hispanic patients should take into consideration the distinct internal and external structure of the ethnic nose.

An experienced and well-qualified rhinoplasty surgeon will evaluate whether the nose requires significant modifications to the internal structures to enhance its external appearance.

Special attention has to be given to the ethnic nose due to its distinct characteristics. For example, African American, Asian, and Hispanic patients often have fuller, rounder, and less protruding nose tips.

Ethnic patients may seek to lengthen and refine the nasal tip to ensure that it appears taller and narrower. Additionally, ethnic rhinoplasty can address excessively flared or wide nostrils as well.


Ethnic Rhinoplasty Techniques

In ethnic rhinoplasty, the cosmetic surgeon makes use of specialized techniques such as altering the cartilage and bone shape within the nose, making the nostrils narrower or taking cartilage from other areas of the body for grafting to create a longer nose tip.

Sometimes surgeons may use synthetic implants due to the ease of placement that they offer. However, in some cases, they can only use cartilage from the patient’s own body for safe and effective results. This reduces the risk of complications, and migration or extrusion usually associated with synthetic implants.

Patients from Middle Eastern heritage usually choose rhinoplasty to reduce the nasal hump, refine the nose tip, and achieve a nose shape that is more proportional to other facial features.

African American candidates seek nose reshaping surgery to refine a broad nose bridge, narrow flared nostrils, and build-up a weak nose tip using a cartilage graft from another area of the patient’s body.

People of Hispanic ethnicity may consider nose surgery to reduce a very prominent nasal bridge. They may, on the other hand, desire a stronger facial profile which can be accomplished by augmenting a very flat nose.

The plastic surgeon will refine a thick or full nose tip to restore the focus on other facial characteristics of the patient.


Conservative Approach

A customized surgical plan is vital for effective outcomes in ethnic rhinoplasty surgery. This procedure should preserve the characteristics that lend a person their uniqueness and identity. Ethnic rhinoplasty should only aim to enhance the patient’s natural beauty subtly.

Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and nearby areas for ethnic nose surgery.
For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty Procedures – Nose Alar Adjustment

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty Procedures - Nose Alar Adjustment | GlendaleAlar adjustment is a surgical procedure that reduces flared or wide nostrils. The outer edges of the nostrils are called the ala. Alar adjustment is typically performed along with width reduction.

The surgeon removes a portion of tissue to adjust the level of tension that is leading to the excessive nostril width.

The Weir technique is a specialized alar adjustment approach that involves a specific incision type. The surgeon removes tissue to develop a wedge-shaped void and then sutures it to create desirable contours.


Quality of Life Impact

Certain ethnic patients tend to have wide nostrils along with a nasal flare. African American patients usually have this type of nasal anatomy. Some patients feel that their wide and/or flared nostrils distract from other facial features. This can have an adverse effect on an individual’s self-esteem.

Board certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian provides nose reshaping surgery to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and surrounding locations.



The surgeon will remove a wedge of tissue from the side of the nostrils near the junction with the cheek in a procedure known as alarplasty. The wedge base will at the level of the alar rims, and the pointed apex will be near the sides where the nose connects to the cheek groove.

The amount of tissue removal will depend on the width of the nostrils. Many rhinoplasty surgeons and patients try to measure the change in mm narrowing on the frontal view.

However, this can be challenging as the wedge size that is removed does not accurately reflect the frontal narrowing distance.

The surgeon will explain to the patient whether they need a minor, medium, or dramatic change. Most patients want a medium change. Patients should understand that it is always possible to remove more tissue later on if they feel that their nostrils are still excessively wide. But the excision of substantial amounts of tissue is difficult to reverse.


Different Approaches

Some nose surgeons use a suturing technique to draw the walls in medially. However, this can lead to bunching. Yet other surgeons only place incisions within the nostrils from fear of external scarring.

But this technique does not create dramatic changes. Incisions placed on the outside of the nose heal well and can be made inconspicuously adjacent to the alar groove.

A skilled rhinoplasty surgeon will make this incision in the area where the nostrils connect to the cheeks. This allows the scar to remain discreet within the natural crease between these regions.

Alarplasty, or nostril narrowing, is an effective procedure that offers dramatic results without the need for a full rhinoplasty.


After the Surgery

The patient will experience some discomfort and pain in the nose region along with inflammation and puffiness during the initial few days of the recovery phase. The pain will gradually subside in two to three days. However, the inflammation will take more time to resolve.

Patients typically experience minor bleeding in the incision areas. This bleeding typically resolves in around two days. The swelling on the face starts to subside in around a week and should be completely resolved by two weeks.

The patient will need to visit the office to have their bandages taken off in around three days after the procedure. The surgeon will typically remove stitches at the end of the first week.

Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and nearby areas for nose surgery.
For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty – Nose Width Reduction

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty - Nose Width Reduction | Glendale | PasadenaWhen viewing the nose from beneath, the nasal tip and nostrils form a triangle called the pyriform aperture. A nose surgeon will adjust the pyriform aperture to reduce the width of the nasal tip.

They can reduce the width of the nose by making the angles of this triangle steeper at the point where the nostrils attach to the face.

Board certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian provides rhinoplasty to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and surrounding locations.

Nasal Base Reduction

The nasal base reduction rhinoplasty technique can effectively reduce the width of the nasal base where it is too broad in comparison to other facial features. This technique is used in some variation as a routine part of rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty procedures.

Ethnic rhinoplasty patients undergo reduction of the nose base even more often. Patients with African American, Asian, and Middle Eastern lineage usually need nasal base reduction as these ethnicities typically have a wider nose base. To enhance the appearance of the nose, this area will require reduction.

Many patients considering rhinoplasty or revision rhinoplasty often complain that their nose appears too broad or large at the base. The base is measured from the outer margin of one nostril to the outer margin of the other.

Ideally, the width of the nasal base should not be more than the distance between the eyes. Upon visualizing a line extending vertically down from the corner of the eye, or inner canthus on either side, the nasal base should fall between these two lines.

But it is vital to understand that this adjustment is the aesthetic ideal for Caucasian rhinoplasty patients. This standard may not be appropriate for ethnic patients. Most ethnic nose reshaping cosmetic surgery patients attain optimal outcomes with a nasal base that is slightly wider than this ideal measurement.

Anatomy Involved In Nasal Base Reduction

To decide on the most appropriate surgical treatment of specific rhinoplasty patients, it is vital that the surgeon has an in-depth knowledge of the anatomy of the nose base area. The columella is the column-shaped structure that is found in the middle of the nasal base.

This structure bifurcates the nostrils into right and left parts. The alar base insertion is the part of the nostril side wall that attaches to the upper lip-cheek point. The nasal sill area lies between the alar base insertion point and the columella.

A Wide Sill Area

Along with a wide nasal base, some nose surgery candidates also tend to have a broad sill area that gives the nose extra width. An excessively broad sill could create a more horizontal type nostril shape. This is common in patients with a wide nasal sill.

What to Expect after Reduction Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Reduction rhinoplasty involves the same recovery period and strategies as other nose reshaping surgical procedures. Following the surgery, the patient will experience swelling and discomfort for a number of days as the nose, and the surrounding tissues heal.  

The bruising will subside gradually, and the swelling will resolve as the healing progresses. The final results of the rhinoplasty will establish over a period. The patient will be able to return to their routine activities after the recovery period.

Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and nearby areas for rhinoplasty.
For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty – Nasolabial Angle Nose Adjustment

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty - Nasolabial Angle Nose Adjustment | GlendaleIt is apparent that the nasolabial angle consists of two lines when viewing the facial profile. The first line extends from the nasal tip to the area above the upper lip.

The second line runs from the upper lip to the bottom of the nose where the nostrils divide.


The Angle

The nasal projection and tip rotation affect the degree of the nasolabial angle. The surgeon will try to develop a 0- to 95-degree nasolabial angle in males and a 100- to 105-degree angle in females for most patients. Adjusting the projection and rotation of the nose can refine this angle.

Board certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian provides rhinoplasty to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and surrounding locations.


Adjusting the CLA

The columella-labial angle (CLA) is an important parameter to be evaluated in nose surgery patients to attain desirable results.

An increase in the CLA causes an upward tilt in the nasal base as well as an associated reduction in the length of the nose. This aspect is frequently overlooked due to diverse nose structures, and this leads to sub-optimal surgical results.

The columella and upper lip share a complex relationship. It is difficult to maintain a particular angle in rhinoplasty patients. Doing so involves various techniques such as nasal cartilage adjustments, suturing techniques, and cartilage grafts.

The caudal septum, nasal spine, and medial crura of the lower lateral cartilage influence the shape of the columella. For this reason, these factors contribute to determining the CLA.

The most aesthetically appealing columella-labial angle is 95 to 100 degrees in men and 100 to 110 degrees in women on profile view. The normal columellar display lies between two to four mm. If the columella hangs extensively, it can adversely impact the appearance of the nose in a significant manner.


Tent Pole Grafting

The ‘tent pole graft’ is an innovative technique used to set and preserve the columellar lip angle. This graft functions in a manner which is similar to the septo-columellar interpositional grafts.

To place the grafts, there is no need to dissect or delineate the upper lateral cartilages from the septum. The tent pole graft is used in difficult revision rhinoplasty procedures as well as cases there to tip projections needs to be increased significantly.

In this technique, the surgeon fixes a piece of cartilage to the columellar strut in the desired position. Then they determine the optimal angle by fixing the posterior end of the graft temporarily with a needle to the supratip cartilaginous dorsum.

After determining the CLA, the surgeon sutures the graft to the dorsum. The tent pole graft allows the extensive columellar strut to be stable and helps the tip not to fall back. This allows the benefits of maintaining the nasal tip and creating the desired CLA.  

A surgeon may use the tent pole technique when the tip needs support in revision rhinoplasty cases and for patients who require tip or columella lengthening. It is also a suitable technique for patients with short noses. This graft can be maneuvered to change the nasolabial angle or CLA easily.

The tent pole graft is particularly useful for patients who cannot undergo a septal extension graft or in cases where it is difficult to fix. For example, it can be appropriate for patients with mild to moderate short noses.

Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and nearby areas for rhinoplasty.
For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.
