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    How much do Kybella injections cost?

    How much do Kybella injections cost?Unwanted fat accumulation in the submental region can create an effect of double chin, which can compromise the overall facial and neck profile. It can be hard to reduce stubborn fat pockets below the chin with exercise and diet. Kybella injections are a more affordable and safer alternative to liposuction cosmetic surgery for chin fat reduction.

    During the initial consultation, the surgeon will discuss all aspects of the Kybella injection procedure, including its estimated price tag. The patient should freely ask questions about the costs, payment methods and financing options at the time of consultation.

    Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian provides Kybella injections to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and other suburbs and neighborhoods in this region of The Golden State.  


    Liposuction vs. Kybella Costs

    A patient who is considering a suitable procedure for double chin reduction should have a fair idea of the costs of liposuction cosmetic surgery as well as the costs of Kybella injections to draw a comparison. Although the costs will vary between patients, liposuction surgery will often cost more than Kybella.

    General anesthesia or IV sedation financial stipulations are typically associated with liposuction, which will be avoided in case of Kybella injectable treatment for submental fat reduction. Liposuction may involve advanced techniques such as laser, ultrasound or RF, which will add to the costs. Operating venue costs will also be additional in liposuction, where as Kybella is performed as an in-office treatment.

    Liposuction will normally involve the costs of general anesthesia or IV sedation, which can be avoided with Kybella injectable treatment. Technologies such as laser, RF or ultrasound may be combined with liposuction, which will increase its costs. Operating room costs are additional to liposuction surgery, but Kybella injections can be performed as an in-office procedure.  

    Post-treatment costs involved in liposuction may include medical tests, prescription drugs, surgical garment, and post-op visits to the surgeon’s office. Kybella will typically avoid all these expenses. The downtime involved in liposuction is significantly higher, which may also have cost implications for some working patients.


    Financial Factors

    The dollar amount of Kybella injections can marginally vary from one practice to another and even between two patients at the same practice. Location of the practice can make a key difference to the costs. Living costs in smaller towns and interiors are usually lower than the costs in prime urban centers and main metropolitan areas. This can impact the costs of most types of goods and services, including cosmetic treatments such as Kybella.

    The degree of treatment required by each patient may vary according to their chin anatomy and their unique aesthetic goals. Most patients may require two to four sessions of Kybella injections, with a maximum of six sessions for more severe cases. The cost of Kybella will be determined according to the number injection vials used during each session, and the total number of sessions required for a patient.

    Committed, innovative, and facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and other suburbs and towns in this region of the state for Kybella double chin reduction treatment.

    For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

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