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    Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery) Procedure Steps

    Tag Archives: cosmetic surgery

    Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery) Procedure Steps | Burbank Cosmetic SurgeryWhile the main procedure steps in rhinoplasty cosmetic surgery will remain the same in each case, minor variations may occur depending on the specific nose refinements involved. Rhinoplasty typically includes cosmetic improvements such as nose augmentation or reduction, straightening a crooked nose, refining the nasal tip, removing a bump from the nasal bridge, or reshaping the nostrils.

    The surgeon will discuss the procedure steps during the initial rhinoplasty consultation. The first goal of the surgeon will be educate the patient about the procedure, reassure and relieve them of any anxiety, and help them make the right decision. Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian provides rhinoplasty to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles CA, and surrounding locations.


    Consultation before Surgery

    The first vital step in the rhinoplasty procedure is the pre-operative consultation. The cosmetic surgeon will engage closely with the patient during this appointment to understand their cosmetic goals, assess their nose and facial anatomy, address their questions and doubts, and offer pre- and post-surgical instructions. A few medical tests may be ordered, if necessary.

    A detailed consultation process will contribute to the final outcome of the nose surgery. The medical and surgical history of the patient will be evaluated. The surgeon will assess any current or previous sinus or nasal breathing issues. The thickness and type of nose skin will also be assessed.


    Surgical Planning

    Based on the feedback of the patient and other parameters assessed during the consultation, the surgeon will prepare a customized rhinoplasty plan. This plan will create a balance between the patient’s natural facial anatomy and their personal aesthetic goals and needs.

    At this stage, the surgeon will determine the rhinoplasty technique to be used, the type of nose changes required, the location of incisions, and whether any additional facial procedures may be needed. Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles CA, and nearby areas for nose surgery.


    Surgical Procedure


    Rhinoplasty may be performed using local anesthesia with mild IV sedation or light general anesthesia in a few cases. A certified anesthetist nurse or an anesthesiologist may perform anesthesia, and will usually remain present throughout the surgery. The patient’s medical records will be checked before clearing them for anesthesia.



    Rhinoplasty will be performed as an open or closed procedure, depending on the extent of surgery to be performed. Tissue may be added, removed or modified as a part of the procedure. Sometimes the surgeon may use synthetic implants. Skin will be lifted off the nasal structure in open rhinoplasty to expose the underlying tissue for corrections. Closed rhinoplasty can be performed from inside the nostrils, with no outer incisions.


    Closing the Incisions

    Following rhinoplasty, the surgeon will carefully close the incisions with sutures and cover them with bandages. The patient will usually be allowed to return home the same day of the surgery. No visible scarring will occur with closed rhinoplasty. In case of open rhinoplasty, minimal scarring will occur and the recovery will take a relatively longer time.


    For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

    Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery) Recovery | Burbank Cosmetic SurgeryRhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that can usually be performed in less than two hours in the operating room. However, the recovery process following the surgery will require a considerable amount of time to ensure that safe and desirable results are established. Recovery should not be taken lightly, and the surgeon’s instructions should be diligently followed.

    Dr. Eric Yavrouian is a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon with significant experience in procedures such as rhinoplasty. At the time of pre-op consultation, Dr. Yavrouian will explain various aspects of the procedure, including its estimated recovery. He provides rhinoplasty to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles CA, and surrounding locations.


    Planning for Recovery

    Advance planning for the post-op recovery phase will allow the patient to be completely comfortable once the rhinoplasty cosmetic surgery procedure is over. To ensure smoother recovery, the patient may consider the following advance steps:

    • Arrange for someone to drive the patient back home following the surgery.
    • Have a family member, friend or a caretaker to assist at home for the first two to three days after the surgery.
    • Apply for leave for at least one week from the workplace to allow for safer healing at home after the surgery.
    • Store a supply of cold compresses at home, which will required immediately after surgery to minimize swelling.
    • Complete any pressing household tasks in advance so as to minimize physical strain following rhinoplasty.


    Tips for Faster Recovery

    Success in nose reshaping surgery will depend to an extent on how diligently the patient adheres to the post-operative recovery instructions given by the surgeon. Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles CA, and nearby areas for rhinoplasty.

    • Drink plenty of fluids during recovery to stay hydrated.
    • Use cold compresses regularly in the first two to three days to minimize swelling.
    • Take adequate rest, but perform short walks and light activities at home from the second day of surgery.
    • Refrain from performing strenuous activities and lifting of heavy weights for a month.
    • Get in touch with the surgeon in case of any unusual symptoms such as acute, persistent pain in the incision area, pus in the wounds, or high fever.


    First Week

    Headache, nosebleeds and bruising and swelling in the incision areas will be commonly experienced in the first two to three days following rhinoplasty. The surgeon may prescribe pain medications to keep the patient comfortable through this phase.

    For the first 24 hours, the head should be rested in an elevated position to support healing. The patient must not blow the nose for the first few days to avoid strain on the incisions.


    Following Weeks

    Nasal packing and sutures will be removed in the second week after rhinoplasty. Mild swelling will linger for several weeks, but bruising will subside from the second week. Patients can usually return to their normal activities and work after a week to 10 days.

    For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

    What is Mentoplasty Chin Surgery? | Burbank Plastic Surgery | GlendaleFor individuals who feel that their chin is not shaped well in relation to the other facial features may consider chin cosmetic surgery as an excellent option. Depending on the patient’s needs, chin augmentation or chin reduction surgery may be recommend to make the chin more appealing and proportion to the rest of the face.

    Fellowship trained facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon and board certified otolaryngologist Dr. Eric Yavrouian provides chin surgery or mentoplasty to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles CA, and surrounding locations. During the initial consultation, Dr. Yavrouian will determine the appropriate chin surgery to meet the patient’s aesthetic goals.


    Chin Augmentation

    Chin enhancement cosmetic surgery is designed to add more substance to a weak chin to create balance with other facial features. The neck may appear fleshy if the chin is undermined, and the nose may appear more accentuated. Implants are usually inserted to enlarge the chin and bring it in harmony with the overall facial structure.

    Chin implant placement can be a very effective solution for women and men who want to augment the size and shape of their chin. Good candidates for chin implants ma include patients with a recessed chin, squared or pointed chin, prominent nose, or a fleshy neck.

    Chin augmentation procedure will add definition to the jaw. Chin implant procedure is often performed together with nose surgery for optimal aesthetic benefits. Sometimes cheek implants or lip enhancement may also be performed in conjunction with chin implant surgery.

    If the chin is recessive, the procedure will involve placement of chin implants in the desired position to supplement the existing bone at the front of the jaw. The implant sits beneath the skin and provides a sustainable boost to the definition and strength of the chin. Patients can expect to achieve an attractive, proportioned facial look that appears completely natural.


    Chin Reduction

    If the chin appears excessively large in relation to other facial features, the surgeon may recommend chin reduction surgery. This will involve moderate reshaping of the bone and other structural tissues to provide a more balanced contour to the face. This procedure does not involve implants, and can create very natural looking results.

    Chin reduction surgery begins with the surgeon placing an incision under the chin or inside the mouth. The bone at the tip of the chin is detached and then reshaped. Excess bone is removed to create a proportionate chin contour. The tip is then repositioned, and incisions are closed with sutures to complete the surgery.

    When performed by an expert surgeon, chin reduction can enhance appearance of the chin and face. Balance between the chin and the nose can be more harmonious as the procedure will create equal proportion between the two. The procedure is sometimes combined with rhinoplasty or facelift surgeries to produce optimal outcomes.

    Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles CA, and nearby areas for chin surgery and various other surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures.

    For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

    Preparing for Facelift Surgery | Pasadena Cosmetic Surgery | GlendaleA patient with proper preparation for facelift cosmetic surgery can stay more relaxed and healthy before, during and after the procedure. Preparation starts from the pre-operative consultation, which is an important part of the process.

    Fellowship trained facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon and board certified otolaryngologist Dr. Eric Yavrouian provides facelift surgery to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles CA, and surrounding locations.


    Pre-op Instructions

    If the patient is a smoker, they will be required to stop smoking at least two to three weeks prior to the facelift cosmetic surgery. Smoking inhibits the free flow of oxygen in the body, which could increase the risk of surgical complications as well as delay the recovery. The surgeon will also instruct the patient to stop taking certain drugs and nutritional supplements such as aspirin, blood thinners, vitamin E and herbal meds, which can also interfere with the surgery and recovery process.


    Health Assessment

    The surgeon will ask questions and perform a general examination of the patient’s face, neck, and other areas. To determine the patient’s suitability for facelift, the surgeon will evaluate their general health condition, medical history, previous surgeries in the face or neck area, skin type, allergies, and the patient’s personal aesthetic goals for facelift surgery.

    The patient should be frank and forthcoming during this exercise, and inform accurately about their health history and habits such as smoking, alcohol, or drugs. Certain underlying health conditions can increase the risk during facelift surgery. Therefore, it is critical that the surgeon should be aware of any pre-existing conditions or concerns.


    Surgical Planning

    Once the surgeon has determined the candidacy of the patient for facelift, they will work closely with the patient to create a customized surgical plan. The plan will include:

    • The type of facelift technique
    • The type of anesthesia to be applied
    • The location, size and number of incisions
    • How the incisions will be closed
    • Where the surgery will be performed
    • What will be the estimated duration of surgery
    • Whether it will be performed on an outpatient basis
    • Whether any other procedures will be combined with it
    • The estimated recovery period

    The cost estimate for the facelift procedure can also be prepared at this stage when the customized surgical plan is ready. The surgeon or the administrative team may guide the patients with regard to insurance and financing aspects related to facelift. Dr. Yavrouian is a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon providing facelift to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles CA, and nearby areas.


    Practical Preparation

    Once the patient is aware of the estimated downtime involved following a facelift, they may apply for leave from work well in time. They should also make prior arrangements for transportation and after-care.

    It may be an astute and golden idea to make a “recovery kit” which will allow them to have the basic items and medications ready at hand during the immediate post-operative phase. For the recovery period, the patient should keep themselves free from any pressing tasks at home or workplace that may involve extra physical strain.

    For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

    Questions to Ask Your Facelift Surgeon | Pasadena Cosmetic SurgeryThe face is aesthetically the most attractive part of a person’s appearance. It is critical to choose the right surgeon when one is considering any facial cosmetic surgery procedure such as facelift. The patient should feel free to ask any questions during the pre-operative facelift consultation to clear all their doubts and concerns.

    A patient with clear understanding of the procedure will have more reasonable expectations and less anxiety throughout the treatment process.

    Dr. Eric Yavrouian is a fellowship trained facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon and a board certified otolaryngologist. Dr. Yavrouian will address all questions of the patient accurately and in proper details. He provides facelift surgery to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles CA, and surrounding locations.


    Important Questions to Ask

    The patient should ideally prepare a list of important questions that they want to ask during the facelift cosmetic surgery procedure. If you do not ask them, no one else will for you. Some of the key questions may include:

    • Are you a trained plastic surgeon or a general surgeon?
    • Do you have specialized training in the area of facial surgery?
    • How many years of training and experience do you have in plastic surgery procedures?
    • Have you performed facelift surgeries in the past, and what is your patient satisfaction rate?
    • Do you have hospital privileges for facelift, and where would you perform my surgery?
    • Is your team of medical assistants adequately trained?
    • From where do you receive a majority of your patients?
    • Am I a good candidate for facelift surgery?
    • Is it possible to replace facelift with lesser invasive or non-invasive treatment alternatives?
    • What would you call an excellent, average, and poor outcome from facelift surgery?
    • Will you provide me with facelift before and after photographs of a few earlier patients?
    • Can I talk to one of your staff members to learn more about your practice?
    • Can I have access to a few testimonials of past patients who have undergone facelift or other surgeries?
    • Would you recommend general or local anesthesia in my case for facelift surgery?
    • Is your practice well-equipped to handle any emergency medical situations?
    • Will I be able to meet you personally during all my visits to your office regarding facelift?
    • How long would it take to perform facelift surgery?
    • Do I need to undergo any health exams prior to the surgery?
    • Are there any risks and complications that I should know of?

    Additional Guidance

    The patient may find more information about the surgeon’s practice over the Internet and social media. Most surgeon’s have their own practice website, which the patient should review in detail. They should also look for comments, reviews, ratings, and feedback about the surgeon on various sites, forums, and social media sites.

    If necessary, the patient may also verify the surgeon’s credentials from the state medical board office. Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles CA, and nearby areas for facelift surgery and other procedures.

    For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

    Facelift Procedure Steps | Plastic Surgery | Pasadena | GlendaleFacelift is a proven cosmetic surgery procedure to reduce the signs of aging and restore a more youthful looking face. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will explain the procedure and familiarize the patient will various aspects of facelift. A number of steps are involved in facelift surgery, which should be performed by an experienced surgeon.

    Dr. Eric Yavrouian is a leading facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon providing facelift and various other procedures. Dr. Yavrouian will apply cutting edge surgical techniques to provide optimal results. Patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles CA, and surrounding locations have an opportunity to receive facelift surgery from him.


    Administering Local or General Anesthesia

    Facelift cosmetic surgery procedure begins with the patient being placed under local or general anesthesia. Depending on the extent of surgery and the patient’s condition, the surgeon will recommend the best choice for anesthesia. The patient’s medical history, current health status and other factors will be considered to ensure a safe anesthesia procedure.

    Anesthesia may be performed by a qualified anesthesiologist or a registered anesthetist nurse. In case of local anesthesia, the patient will be relatively alert during the facelift surgery, but will feel no pain in the local area. In case of general anesthesia, the patient will remain unconscious throughout the procedure.


    Placing the Incisions

    Following anesthesia, the surgeon will place the incisions in pre-determined locations. The incisions will be confined to discreet locations as far as possible, but without compromising the effectiveness of the surgery. Incisions are usually made above the hairline to hide the subsequent scarring.

    Sometimes the incisions may be located in the natural facial creases. These locations heal well and are able to hide the scars better than other areas. The incision usually begins behind the hairline on one side of the head, slightly above the temple. It then follows the hairline down to the ear, and continuing into the lower scalp under the hair.


    Tightening Facial Skin and Muscles

    Through the incisions, the surgeon will lift the facial skin from the underlying tissue. Excess fat deposits will be removed, loose skin will be trimmed, and underlying muscles will be tightened to improve facial contours. Once the procedure is completed, the skin will be re-draped with stitches or staples.

    Thereafter, the incision area will be covered with a bandage. Experienced facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles CA, and nearby areas.


    Combining Multiple Procedures

    Depending on the patient’s needs, the surgeon may combine the facelift with other procedures to achieve enhanced outcomes. The additional procedures could be invasive or non-invasive. Facial and neck liposuction is commonly added to facelift in order to gently suction out stubborn fat cells.

    Lip augmentation with fat transfer surgery, lip implants, or dermal filler injections may be performed along with facelift. Eyelid surgery can be performed to lift sagging eyelids and enhance the upper face appearance along with lower and mid facelift. Facial implants may be used in some cases to add volume to the cheeks or chin along with a facelift.

    For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

    Does Botox Help Treat Chronic Migraine | Glendale | Pasadena | BurbankMigraine is a severely painful, debilitating form of a headache. Chronic migraine patients often experience this acute headache 15 or more days in a month. Botox is an important preventive treatment for chronic migraine. While many people recognize Botox as an anti-aging alternative to facial cosmetic surgery, it is also a proven and established preventive solution for chronic migraines.

    Pain medications are usually not a sustainable approach to addressing the symptoms of chronic migraine. Therefore, a physician may prescribe a preventive medication such as Botox injections. Fellowship trained facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Eric Yavrouian, provides Botox treatment to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles CA, and surrounding locations.


    Preventive Treatment

    Many patients respond well to preventive medications that are aimed at reducing the frequency and severity of chronic migraines. A study in the Neurology journal revealed that nearly one-third of all patients with chronic migraines take preventive medications. This is where Botox comes in, which is commonly used in place of facial cosmetic surgery for patients who want non-surgical aesthetic procedures.

    Botox is a proven and effective preventive treatment for chronic migraines. In 2010, Botox gained approval of the FDA as a preventive treatment for migraine. Since the FDA’s approval, Botox injectable procedure has become widely accepted among patients with chronic migraine. Experienced facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles CA, and nearby areas.


    How does it Work?

    Botox treatment for migraine is usually administered once every three months over a span of 15 months. The Botox provider will inject multiple doses of the medication in targeted areas such as the forehead, temples, back of the head, neck, nasal bridge, and upper back. The purpose of this injectable treatment is to mitigate the symptoms of migraines.

    The patient should not expected immediate relief with Botox injections. Improvement will occur in about two weeks. In fact, some of the patients may not gain any relief from the first round of injections. According to the American Headache Society, additional treatments can sometimes be more successful.


    Candidacy for Botox

    A variety of treatment options for chronic migraine patients are available today, and Botox is one of them. In some cases, the provider may not recommend Botox injections until other treatment options have exhausted. If the patient has a low tolerance for other migraine medications, Botox may be chosen as the first option.



    Botox injectable treatment is virtually painless. Each injection may only cause a very minor sting. The entire treatment session with Botox can be completed quickly. Working people can simply receive a 15-minute treatment session during their lunch break, and then return to work. No downtime is involved with this treatment in most cases.



    The sticker price for Botox injections will usually be covered under insurance when it is used to treat chronic migraines. Prior to the start of the treatment, the patient should talk to the insurance provider. A few other procedures or tests may have to be undertaken to fulfill the insurance requirements.

    For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

    Types of Facial Cosmetic Surgery | Pasadena | Glendale | BurbankFace is the most visually prominent part of the body, and any anomalies in facial features or signs of aging can be spotted quickly. However, a range of facial cosmetic surgery procedures are available today to provide a youthful and attractive facial appearance.

    Leading facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian provides various surgical and non-surgical procedures for the face to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles CA, and surrounding locations.



    Rhytidectomy or facelift is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures designed to restore a tighter and firmer facial skin. In addition to skin tightening and providing a gentle lift to the sagging mid-face, the surgeon will also reposition and tighten the underlying weak muscles and connective tissue. Excess facial fat may be removed or redistributed to create an even look. The procedure can be performed using local anesthesia and mild sedation.



    Blepharoplasty or eyelid lift surgery can be performed on upper or lower or both eyelids to correct droopiness and restore younger looking eyes. If the vision is partially impaired due to sagging upper eyelid skin, it will also be corrected. Under eye bags and puffiness that can make a person look old and tired can be improved with blepharoplasty.

    Experienced facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles CA, and nearby areas for this surgery.


    Facial Scar Revision

    Facial scars can be made significantly smoother and less visible with this scar revision procedure. The procedure may involve recreating the incision, and moving the skin or even the scar to make it less conspicuous. Non-surgical techniques such as laser resurfacing and dermabrasion may be used additionally, particularly when the scars are raised. Keloid scars may first be treated with injectable medications to reduce their size.


    Forehead Lift and Brow Lift

    The latest approach to forehead lift and brow lift is endoscopic surgery. It involves placement of small incisions behind the hairline. The surgeon will use a scope to perform the surgery in a more precise and less invasive manner, resulting in reduced scarring and faster recovery. The procedure can smooth the forehead and raise the brows, and sometimes may even lower a high hairline to improve facial harmony.



    Mentoplasty will involve either chin augmentation or reduction to correct facial balance. Chin augmentations surgery will involve placement of synthetic implants in a customized manner. If the incision is placed inside the mouth, the procedure will result in no visible scarring. In case of chin reduction surgery, the incision may be placed discreetly inside the mouth or under the chin. The surgeon will sculpt the bone to a more harmonious size.



    Rhinoplasty or nose reshaping surgery is designed to enhance the shape and size of the nose to make it more attractive and bring it in balance with the rest of the facial features. The incisions may be made inside the nose to keep the scarring invisible. However, in a more invasive surgery, the incision will be made discreetly in the area of skin separating the nostrils.


    For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

    Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) Recovery | Plastic Surgery | PasadenaEyelid lift surgery, clinically called blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure to rejuvenate the appearance of eyes. Recovery is an important part of this procedure, and the patient should diligently follow the surgeon’s instructions in the post-operative phase to achieve a safer and faster recovery. At the time of initial consultation, the surgeon will discuss all aspects, including recovery.

    Dr. Eric Yavrouian is a fellowship trained facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon and board certified otolaryngologist providing eyelid surgery and various other procedures. Patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles CA, and surrounding locations have an opportunity to receive blepharoplasty from Dr. Yavrouian.


    Immediate Post-Operative Phase

    Eyelid lift cosmetic surgery is usually performed as an outpatient procedure. Patient should have someone to drive them back home after the surgery. Just after the procedure, the patient’s eyes may be covered with bandages for some time. Once the bandages are removed, the attending staff will apply cold compresses or lubricating ointment to keep the patient comfortable.

    Detailed post-operative instructions will be provided to the patient before they leave for home. Pain medications and antibiotics to minimize infection risk will be prescribed for a few days. The first follow-up appointment may be fixed as per surgeon’s advice.

    Minor swelling, bruising, itching or dry eye condition is likely to occur during the first few days of the recovery. Medications, ointments and cold compresses can be used as advised to manage these conditions. The surgeon may also prescribe eye drops to prevent dry eye.

    Recovery in the First Few Weeks

    The patient should avoid watching TV, reading, or surfing the Internet during the first week to minimize strain on the eyes. Excessive strain can cause dry eyes. As far as possible, the patient should maintain the head in an elevated position in the first few days to keep the bruising and swelling to a minimum. The surgeon may remove sutures at the end of the first week.

    At this time, the patient may be able to return to their regular activities or go back to work. Dark sunglasses should preferably be worn for the first month when the patient leaves home. This will offer protection against sun and wind and minimize irritation. Frequent naps in the first few weeks can be useful because the eyes can get adequate rest.

    Bending, lifting heavy weights, and strenuous exercises should be avoided for two to three weeks following blepharoplasty. The blood flow to the eyes should not be excessive until the recovery is complete. Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles CA, and nearby areas for eyelid lift surgery.


    Overall Recovery Period

    While the patient can resume most of their normal activities after the first week, it will be several weeks before they recover completely. It will take time for the redness and swelling around the eyes to fade away entirely. Over a few months after the surgery, the results will establish progressively and the eyes will appear more youthful and alert.

    For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

    Botox is Used to Treat Depression | Pasadena | Glendale | BurbankBotox is the world’s most popular anti-aging facial injectable treatment, which was approved by the FDA in 2002 for cosmetic reduction of facial fine lines. People who want to avoid cosmetic surgery may choose Botox for facial rejuvenation. The main ingredient of Botox is botulinum neurotoxin, which is a highly potent biological substance. It is also used for treating certain nerve related medical conditions.

    Dr. Eric Yavrouian is an experienced facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon providing Botox and various other procedures to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles CA, and surrounding locations.


    Botox for Depression

    Apart from serving as an alternative to facial cosmetic surgery, Botox also has certain medical applications. One of the recent promising medical theories that have emerged about Botox is that it can help to treat depression symptoms. Depression is a common problem today, and Botox may offer a simple and effective solution. Initial studies have shown encouraging results, and further scientific investigations are underway.

    An experienced Botox provider will try to educate patients about all aspects of Botox, including its new and innovative applications. Fellowship trained facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Yavrouian is committed to providing state of the art treatments to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles CA, and nearby areas.


    Published Information

    The idea about Botox as a potential agent to treat the symptoms of depression has been recorded in a book titled “In the Face of Emotion.” The book won appreciation from leading global publications such as the New York Times. The NYT, in fact, termed the book as the “first authorized biography of Botox.” The book explores the concept of how Botox could potential serve as a cure for depression.

    “In the Face of Emotion” argues that a simple, injectable procedure such as Botox, which can create almost instant results, holds the potential to serve as a mood elevator. Additionally, it can contribute to the patient’s improving relationships with others because aesthetic enhancement will boost their self-esteem and encourage them to reach out to others.

    The book highlights the fact that Botox can help a person enjoy a more youthful looking face for several months with just a single, in-office treatment. When this cosmetic benefit it combined with the new aspect of Botox as a treatment for depression symptoms, it could significantly expand the scope of Botox treatment.


    Additional Studies

    The Journal of Psychiatric Research published a scientific study that revealed that 17 out of 33 patients reported that their depression symptoms reduced by half after a single treatment of Botox. Over one in four patients in the group reported that their depression went into a remission following Botox treatment.

    A study conducted by German researchers also showed similar results when Botox was applied to treat depression. The researchers said that the brain nerves, which receive inbound signals, may receive positive signals following treatment with Botox. This can lead to gradual improvement in the condition of depression for some patients. Scientific research is still continuing to determine more conclusive benefits of Botox in treating depression.

    For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.
